1. Visit a Pumpkin Patch
Many local farms have pumpkins available for picking. They also often include hayrides, fun games, sweet treats, corn mazes, and farm animals children can pet.
2. Indoor Camping
Bust out the tents and sleeping bags, and enjoy indoor camping. Set up camp in the basement or family room of your home, and pretend you all are braving the wilds of the great outdoors. Take turns telling stories. Sing campfire songs. Roast hot dogs and marshmallows over the stove. No camping experience is complete without s’mores. Make it a rule that no cell phones or other electronic devices are allowed.
3. Go For a Long Drive
There are amazing places not too far from your home that you may not know exist. Load the family into the car and enjoy a drive out into the country. Sing songs, play games, have a family discussion, and enjoy the fall scenery during your drive.
4. Make a Scarecrow
Dig out a pair of old pants and a shirt for your family scarecrow. Stuff the shirt and pants with leaves (or straw) that you all collect together, and tie each end of the clothes so the leaves do not fall out. You can use a large pumpkin for the scarecrow’s head. Top the pumpkin with a hat. You can either sit the scarecrow on a chair on the front porch, or stand him up in the yard.
5. Make a Pumpkin Spice Latte
Speaking of pumpkin, spend a cozy afternoon or evening at home with the ones you love. Start the fireplace (or play a video of a fire burning in a fireplace on your television). Snuggle under your favorite blanket with a good book while sipping a mug of warm, homemade pumpkin spice latte. There are tons of simple recipes online. Choose your favorite and enjoy.
6. Make Leaf Rubbings
Leaf rubbings are fun to do and are beautiful pieces of artwork. Have your children collect leaves and follow the steps listed here.
7. Make Baked Apples
Like pumpkins, apples are seasonal favorites that can be enjoyed in various ways. You can go to an orchard and pick them, then make apple sauce and apple cider out of your haul. There are lots of delicious baked apples recipes online. Find your favorite.
8. Jump in a Pile of Leaves
So simple, yet so fun. This activity is pretty self-explanatory. Rake as many leaves as possible into a huge pile. Annnd…you know the rest.
9. Take a Walk in the Park
The natural colors of fall make a beautiful backdrop for a nice stroll in a park. Pick your favorite park or one you have never been to, and enjoy a walk together.
10. Collect Food to Donate to a Food Bank
This is a season of thanksgiving, and what better way to show how grateful you are for your many blessings than to give to others. Ask family members, friends, and neighbors to chip in by donating non-perishable foods.
11. Make Thanksgiving Cards
As stated above, fall is the season for thanksgiving. Make and distribute thank you cards to people you are thankful for and appreciate.
12. Collect Pine Cones
While enjoying a walk around your neighborhood or a park, have the kids collect as many pine cones as they can. These pine cones can be used for at home arts and crafts. You can make wreaths, turkeys, or centerpieces.
13. Make a Pumpkin Pie
Nothing says fall like pumpkin pie. They are as easy to make as they are yummy. Take two minutes to find a yummy, kid-friendly recipe online. A family that bakes together stays together.
These are just a few ideas of family activities you can enjoy in the fall. Let the cool air and awesome colors of autumn inspire you.